
How To Be A Registered Archeaologist

An archaeologist excavates on site.
© Adam Stanford Aerial Cam Ltd

The meaning of the word 'professional' is frequently interpreted equally someone who is paid to do their work. This is non what nosotros mean when nosotros talk about professional archaeologists. Yeah, there are professional archaeologists in paid roles, but a CIfA professional can be any archaeologist or heritage professional person in any capacity who:

  • has demonstrated their archaeological skills and competence by achieving CIfA accreditation at Practitioner (PCIfA), Associate (ACIfA) or Member (MCIfA) level
  • is maintaining their skills and competence by having a personal development plan and conveying out relevant continuing professional development
  • is complying with and being answerable to an ethical lawmaking of conduct past being accredited
  • is working in the public involvement and not for private, personal, parochial or partisan interests

Accredited professional archaeologists should practice judgment and should bring that good judgment to all aspects of their lives in relation to the study and care of the physical evidence of the human by.

Why is accreditation important?

Gaining CIfA accreditation at Practitioner, Associate or Member level demonstrates that y'all are a professional archaeologist working in the public involvement.

In gild to accomplish accreditation, you will need to demonstrate that y'all have the relevant skills, competence and agreement and be able to provide evidence and references to back up this.

Being awarded professional person accreditation by CIfA is a significant achievement for any individual. It is a recognisable indication to other professional archaeologists of your skills and your commitment to maintain and heighten these skills through continuing professional person evolution. It also distinguishes you as someone who has agreed to comply with an ethical code of conduct and the standards which professional archaeologists take collectively agreed to impose upon themselves.

Professionalism and regulation inside archæology

Archæology in most cases is not regulated by authorities then CIfA provides the profession with the mechanisms to regulate itself through professional accreditation.

Professionally accredited archaeologists are skilled, competent and piece of work in the public interest.

An archaeologist works with pottery fragments in a lab.

Through their accreditation they take made a personal commitment to comply with an upstanding lawmaking of conduct which obligates them to maintaining their skills and competence, and to reflect on their understanding and application of professional standards. It likewise commits them to encouraging other archaeologists to adopt the code and professional standards, and to ensure that others benefit from their experience and knowledge.

Where other accredited archaeologists do not appear to exist maintaining their professional commitments, the Institute provides a professional person bear process which can investigate any allegation, and ultimately can remove someone's professional accreditation.

Why have professional person archaeologists?

By being able to demonstrate that professional person archaeologists are skilled, competent and comply with professional standards, the Institute and the archaeological profession can assure clients that the work nosotros carry out will meet their needs and the needs of the public. This inspires confidence in professional archaeology and in turn improves careers and attracts new people into the profession.

How To Be A Registered Archeaologist,


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