
Can You Register Your Car In Ky And Live In Flordia

If you're a snowbird in Florida, I bet you chuckle with delight whenever you lot picket the national conditions forecast these days. While your friends up north are brushing snow off their cars, you're driving with the top downwards. While they're slipping and sliding on icy sidewalks, yous're taking long walks on the beach. Yep, yous're probably pretty happy correct now with your decision to caput south for the winter and get out the cold behind. Simply, earlier you get too excited, at that place's i thing you may not accept escaped past moving to the Sunshine State for the winter – loftier income taxes in your northern dwelling.

During the winter months, you probably hear a lot of talk from permanent Floridians about the tax benefits of being a full-fledged Florida resident. After all, Florida is one of just nine states without an income tax. So, if your summer home is in a high-taxation land upwardly north — New York, New Bailiwick of jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, Connecticut, Wisconsin and the like — y'all can potentially save thousands of dollars each year if you tin satisfy the Florida residency requirements.

But you can't but say "I'm a Florida resident" and take the income taxation bill from your summer country magically disappear. You need to show that Florida is your primary and permanent home — and it'south your actions, not your words, that count the most. That means cutting as many ties to your warm-weather condition domicile as possible and putting downwardly roots in Florida. But no thing how rooted in Florida yous get, don't be surprised if your summer land still wants you lot to pay taxes as a resident on all your income (instead of paying tax only on in-country income as a nonresident). The tax agencies in many high-taxation northern states have well-earned reputations for fighting wealthier snowbirds who suddenly claim to be Florida residents. So, if you're going to make that claim, exist sure yous can back it upwards. Here are a few things you can do to show that you lot are, in fact, a Florida resident if your warm-weather state challenges your residency status.

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Spend Most of Your Time in Florida

picture of elderly couple sitting near a beach

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The majority of states have what's called a 183-mean solar day rule, which basically ways the land will tax yous as a resident if y'all ain a domicile in that location and spend at to the lowest degree 183 days during the twelvemonth (basically, half-dozen months) in the state. (Some states require more in-state days to exist considered a resident.) The days don't have to exist sequent, and fifty-fifty part of a day can count equally a full mean solar day.

Plainly, if you spend more than half your time in Florida, you won't reach the 183-mean solar day threshold in the state where you spend your summers. If yous can't spend that much time in Florida, then take a vacation, visit family unit or friends, or otherwise spend time in some other location — anything to avoid spending 183 days or more than in your high-tax summer state.

It's as well a good idea to continue a record of where you lot are each day of the year, just in case the tax agency from your northern country picks you lot for a residency audit. Keeping receipts from the time you lot spent in Florida volition also assistance if you're audited. For case, if you had dinner at a Florida eating place, a receipt for the repast volition assistance prove that yous were in Florida on that particular solar day.

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Obtain a Florida Commuter's License

picture of drivers license application form

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Getting a Florida driver's license is a must if yous want to satisfy the Florida residency requirements. In fact, you lot should do this right abroad, since you'll need the license to vote, apply for holding taxation breaks, and do other things in Florida that volition assist you lot establish residency in the country.

New residents must utilise for a Florida driver's license in person at whatever local office offering driver licenses services (click hither to find the nearest office). The fee for an initial Florida Grade E license is $48 (unless y'all're a veteran, the local tax collector may as well tack on an additional $half-dozen.25 service fee). You'll besides need to submit specific documents to obtain a Real-ID compliant driver's license (the list of required documents for U.South. citizens can be establish on the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' website).

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Annals and Insure Your Vehicles in Florida

Senior couple driving on Florida beach

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When you're getting your driver'due south license, make sure you lot register your car or truck in Florida, too. If you ain an RV or boat, annals it in Florida as well. This is farther testify that you consider Florida your permanent dwelling.

You'll have to pay a registration fee. The amount is based on the type and/or weight of the vehicle. A list of the various motor vehicle registration fees tin can exist found on the Florida Department of Highway Safe and Motor Vehicles' website.

And don't forget to call your auto insurance carrier and have your vehicles covered in the Sunshine Country.

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Vote in Florida

Vote Here sign in Florida

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Where you're registered to vote says a lot about the place yous see as your permanent dwelling house. And then, to be seen as a real Florida resident, make sure yous register to vote (and actually vote) in Florida.

You tin can register to vote in Florida by completing a paper application and delivering information technology in person or by mail to the Sectionalization of Elections, any supervisor of an elections' function, an office that issues driver'due south licenses, or a voter registration bureau ( thousand., public assistance part, eye for independent living, function serving persons with disabilities, public library, or armed forces recruitment office). Y'all can as well register online at You'll need a Florida driver's license (or ID card) and the last four digits of your Social Security number to consummate the online registration.

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Buy or Rent a Bigger Dwelling in Florida

Senior couple buying a home in Florida

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Let's face up it…it doesn't really wait like you lot intend to make Florida your permanent home if you own a giant house up north but simply hire a tiny apartment in Florida. That's why New York, for example, considers the size of each dwelling a snowbird owns or rents to be an important cistron in determining residency. And so, if possible, get a Florida dwelling house that's at least roughly the aforementioned size every bit your northern domicile — although it's improve if your home in Florida is larger.

If your summer home is in New York, at least the land will consider habitation size in the context of the geographic expanse in which each residence is located. For example, while a 3,000 square human foot flat in Manhattan may seem cramped when compared to a palatial home in Florida, New York revenue enhancement auditors may notwithstanding come across the two homes every bit relatively equal because the apartment is spacious by New York City standards.

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Enroll Your Children in Florida Schools

School bus in Florida

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If you accept school-aged children, enroll them in a Florida school. Why? Because the quality of the local schools is usually an important factor for parents deciding where to alive. This is truthful whether the schools are public or private. And then, for example, if your children attend a boarding school up n and rarely visit your Florida residence, a revenue enhancement auditor from your warm-weather land could signal to this as evidence that yous don't truly consider Florida to be your master and permanent home.

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Go along Important Personal Items and Documents in Florida

picture of two elderly men looking at a coin collection

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Tax auditors know that most people keep prized personal possessions in their primary dwelling. And then, bring your most treasured items down to Florida for safekeeping to show that y'all consider the state to exist your primary and permanent habitation. This includes all things that are almost and dear to your heart, including photo albums, wedding dresses, family heirlooms, postage or coin collections, works of art, rare books, and any other item that has sentimental value. Pets fall into this category, likewise. Then, brand sure you bring Fido down to Florida with yous!

Important documents and records should also be kept in Florida. This includes mortgage documents, insurance policies, wills, passports, Social Security cards and the like. Renting a safe deposit box in Florida to hold these items is a good thought, as well.

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Update Your Estate Program

Senior couple signing papers and high-fiving

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At that place are at to the lowest degree two good reasons why y'all should consider updating your volition and other estate planning documents with Florida data. Starting time, list your Florida address as your principal residence, including Florida property, and indicating that your estate volition be administered under Florida law volition aid you establish Florida residency. Again, it shows that yous're treating Florida every bit your permanent home.

Second, Florida doesn't impose a land-level manor or inheritance tax. A number of northern states — Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, to name a few — will tax your estate or heirs if you dice as one of their residents. If y'all're declared a resident of Florida, however, those taxes from other states can be avoided. Your family will thanks for it once you pass away.

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Visit Doctors, Lawyers and CPAs in Florida

Medical personnel in Florida

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It can be difficult leaving a family unit doctor up north that you lot've been seeing for decades and finding a new physician down in Florida. But you need to practice only that if y'all want to convince a revenue enhancement auditor that you lot've really settled down in Florida. The same goes for the dentists, lawyers, accountants, and other professionals you use in your summertime land— you should supercede them with new people in Florida. It'south probably OK to see a specialist once in a while outside Florida, but your regular doctor (or other professional person) should be in the Sunshine State. If you want to go to the extra mile, get-go seeing a barber or hair stylist in Florida, too.

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Exercise Your Banking in Florida

Senior banking at ATM in Florida

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Even in today's world where online banking is popular, tax auditors know that nearly people park their coin in a bank well-nigh their domicile. And so, if you're claiming to be a Florida resident, you should move your coin to a Florida banking company. It can be a national bank — similar Banking company of America — only at that place should be a branch shut to your Florida habitation where you lot can do your banking in person (including renting a safe deposit box). You'll also want to make certain all bank statements are sent to your Florida address.

This advice extends to all your financial activities. Start working with Florida-based brokers, fiscal planners, insurance agents and the like. And, once again, make certain all statements, payments and notices are sent to your home in Florida, including credit card statements. If you're retired, have your Social Security checks or retirement plan distributions mailed to Florida or deposited into a Florida bank.

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Pay Bills in Florida

Electric meter on home in Florida

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While you're making arrangements to have your credit card statements sent to your Florida address, practise the same for all your other bills. Do it for your electric, phone, cablevision, gas, water and other utility bills — even if they're for your warm-conditions habitation.

Of course, brand sure you pay them all on time no thing where you happen to be living when they're due. Well-nigh bills can exist paid online these days, so you should still be able to accept care of them even if you're up due north when the bills arrive in Florida.

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Tell People You're a Florida Resident

picture of elderly man with a megaphone

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Yes, we told you in the introduction that y'all tin't just say "I'm a Florida resident" to alter your residency for state taxation purposes. And that's truthful — yous tin can't just declare that you're a Florida resident. But even if you do all the other things we're recommending, you'll never convince a tax auditor from up northward that you're a Florida resident if you don't present yourself equally a Florida resident to the rest of the globe. And so, if y'all meet someone new, tell them you're from Florida. If you're filling out a course that asks for your accost, use your Florida accost. And update your Facebook folio so that your Florida urban center or boondocks is listed as your current home. Auditors will await for whatsoever indication that y'all don't actually remember of Florida as your primary and permanent abode — don't give them any ammunition.

Tell the State of Florida that you're a resident, too. File a "Declaration of Habitation" with the clerk of circuit courtroom in the Florida county where you lot live. ("Domicile" is a legal term that generally means the identify that y'all intend to exist your primary and permanent home.) There isn't a standard, state-wide grade that you can employ. Instead, each canton will accept its own version — as an example, click hither for the Broward County course.

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Socialize in Florida

To show that your life is now based in Florida (i.e., that you're a real Florida resident), join clubs, take up hobbies, volunteer and encounter new people in the land. Tax auditors are going to question your Florida-resident credentials if you lot're constantly heading back up due north to socialize. You tin can keep your northern friends, but make new ones in Florida, too. (Invite your Yankee friends down to Florida for a calendar week of winter sun and sand…they'll love you for information technology!)

If you're already a member of a national organization like the Lions Club or VFW, modify the address on file to your Florida accost and attend meetings in Florida. If yous're a religious person, get involved with a church, synagogue or other firm of worship in Florida likewise. Join a gym in the Sunshine Land, too. The more you socialize in Florida – and maintain ties to social organizations in the country – the easier it will be to demonstrate a commitment to your new southern home.

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Pay Taxes every bit a Florida Resident

Florida tax manual

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Certain, there's no state income tax in Florida, only that doesn't hateful Florida residents don't pay other taxes. For case, you nonetheless have to pay federal income taxes as a Florida resident. So, when filing your next federal 1040, make sure you list your Florida accost as your dwelling house address. You should also modify your address on file with the IRS past submitting Form 8822.

As for Florida taxes, make certain you pay your local real estate taxes on fourth dimension and in full. If you own a business, are cocky-employed, or rent out property in Florida, you might also owe personal property taxes. If you're not paying these taxes every bit required, or whatsoever other Florida taxes levied on residents, your continuing as a true Florida resident will exist diminished in the eyes of the law.

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Utilize for a Florida Homestead Property Tax Exemption

Florida home

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In addition to paying taxes in Florida, take advantage of the state's revenue enhancement breaks for residents. For example, if you own a home in Florida, employ for the country's homestead property tax exemption. Non but could your domicile's taxable value exist reduced past as much as $50,000, but it's farther show of your status every bit a Florida resident. That's a win-win!

To utilize, submit Class DR-501 and all required documentation to the holding appraiser in the Florida county where the property is located. You can besides apply the class to utilise for property tax breaks bachelor to disabled or blind persons, senior citizens, widow(er)s, veterans, and get-go responders.

If a similar tax break is available in your northern state, don't merits it if it's only available to residents. If you do, you're telling your summertime state that y'all're a resident there, not in Florida.

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Work in Florida

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If you lot work at home or in multiple locations, make sure your employer lists your Florida accost equally your home of record. Paychecks and W-2 forms should be sent to Florida, and all your benefits should be based in the state.

If you're an independent contractor, all invoices and other correspondence should include your Florida address. Payments and 1099 forms should exist sent to Florida, as well.

If yous're a doctor, lawyer or other professional, get licensed to practice to Florida.

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Move Your Business to Florida

picture of businessman in a suit jacket working on a beach

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If yous ain a business in your summer state, moving it to Florida will certainly help your case if your status equally a Florida resident is challenged.

If moving your northern business organisation to Florida isn't possible, running it from Florida might be an option. However, business owners in Florida who are deeply immersed in their company's operations up north can have a hard time establishing residency in Florida. Fifty-fifty if you're running your business organization from a Miami Beach cabana, tax auditors in your summer state will see substantial involvement in the direction of a business in their state equally evidence of residency in that state. It will exist weighed along with all other factors, merely this type of evidence can persuade a court that you're not really a Florida resident.

The degree of your interest in the business' day-to-day operations volition be looked at closely. You don't necessarily have to sell the business concern or completely relinquish your management function, only taking more of a "hands-off" approach will support your merits for Florida residency.


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